The Examinations Officer at Maltings Academy is Mrs T Hancocks. The Exams Office is situated on the ground floor in room G15.
You can contact Mrs Hancocks either by email: examsdept@maltingacademy.org or by telephone on (01376) 512911.
Please click on a link to one of the following pages to find the information you require:
The Academy has a large number of uncollected examination certificates. These are very important documents which students may need when applying for employment or a place at college or university.
The Academy will keep examination certificates for no more than 3 years after the student has left, after which time they will be destroyed.
If you are a past pupil and have not yet collected your certificates please contact the Academy to arrange to do so. If you are a current pupil and have older siblings or friends who may not have collected their certificates please remind them to do so.