
Drama Curriculum 3 I’s 

Vision and Intent

Students will learn to develop an appreciation for existing repertoire and understand how to analyse, rehearse and perform both scripted work and devise their own work following learnt principles and structures and demonstrating a variety of dramatic forms.  Students’ drama education will allow them to explore cultures, concepts, characters and issues beyond their own world thus providing an enriched education that develops the whole student. 

The Maltings Drama curriculum will enable learners to:

Subject Implementation

Students have the opportunity to participate in live theatre visits, attend weekly clubs and engage with varied performance opportunities in school and off site. 

The drama curriculum follows three learning ‘flows’ that feed into the GCSE assessment objectives and three components for Edexcel Drama GCSE. Flow 1 focuses on the skills and knowledge that surround ‘devising’.  Flow 2 is centered on ‘performance from text’ and flow 3 allows us to study ‘theatre makers in practice’.

The implementation of the Drama curriculum includes:

Subject Impact

Maltings students are exposed to live and recorded performance work, professional artists and a varied mix of subject matters through their arts education. Student's confidence, collaborative skills and resilience is tested and practised throughout the creative process. Students are exposed to the roles of technical and support staff in theatres to introduce these avenues and raise awareness of the job opportunities in the arts that go beyond performance. Students are guided through analytical writing in order to meet the KS4+ demands and to contribute to wider literacy skills. 

A Maltings Academy Drama student will:

Drama Key Stage 4 

Year 10 - Curriculum Overview

Year 11 - Curriculum Overview