Food Technology

Food Technology Curriculum 3 I’s 

Vision and Intent

The Food technology curriculum at Maltings Academy is determined to develop independent students that are self sufficient and ready to provide themselves with nutritional meals. Students will learn food theory as well as cooking a variety of mixed complexity dishes independently.

The course is designed to offer an experience that focuses on applied learning, i.e. acquiring and applying knowledge, skills and understanding through purposeful tasks set in sector or subject contexts that have many of the characteristics of real work linking to the hospitality and catering industry.

The Maltings Food Technology curriculum will enable learners to:

Subject Implementation

At Key stage 3 students learn about food preparation and nutrition to gain all the required skill and knowledge that would be needed at KS4 set by the national curriculum:

During Key Stage 4, students are taught knowledge, skills and understanding. Students learn: 

The course also encourages the investigation and study of catering and hospitality in a variety of contexts. The contexts provide opportunities to acquire competence, capability and critical skills through the creation, implementation, use and evaluation of a range of resources.

The implementation of the Food Technology curriculum includes:

Subject Impact

Food technology at Maltings Academy will enable students to practice the skills that are essential for life, whilst being challenged to think and create under pressure of time constraint. Students will understand the bigger picture of health and diet and how it plays a role in their future life. 

A Maltings Academy Food Technology student will:

Food Technology Journey Map 

H&C learning journey.pdf

Food Technology Key Stage 3 

Year 7 - Curriculum Overview

Year 8 - Curriculum Overview

Year 9 - Curriculum Overview

Food Technology Key Stage 4 

Year 10 - Curriculum Overview

Year 11 - Curriculum Overview