Academy Life

Life of the Academy

Students feel safe, and cared for, with first class support from their form tutor and Head of Year. Students also develop strong relationships with students across other tutor groups and therefore building a culture of mutual respect and sense of community.

Students have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of extra curricular enrichment activities and also trips and educational visits, - demonstrating our commitment to enhancing experiences beyond the classroom and creating positive memories.

Students are exposed to a range of religion and culture, sport, heritage, enterprise, world and community experiences alongside charity events and competitions. The academy also celebrates student successes through honours assemblies and presentation evenings which emphasises the value we place on awarding excellence in all its forms.

We want parents and carers to feel involved and informed about their child’s progress. As a result we send progress reports home to parents and hold parents’ evenings to meet with their child’s teachers, strengthening communication too.  


‘Students take part in a wide range of artistic, cultural and sporting activities.’

‘Students make a significant contribution to the academy community in a range of ways.’