Science Curriculum 3 I’s
Vision and Intent
We believe that students deserve a broad and ambitious Science curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge, which ignites curiosity and prepares them well for future learning or employment.
The Maltings Science curriculum will enable learners to:
Share the wonder of science and be driven by curiosity to remedy misconceptions.
Be immersed in an educational climate where uncertainty is planned for and explored.
Have an understanding of the uses and implications of Science today and for the future in order to build a deeper understanding of the world around them.
Develop practical skills by working scientifically.
Articulate scientific concepts clearly and precisely.
To accurately read and interpret technical terminology.
To see connections between subject areas and become aware of the big ideas underpinning scientific knowledge and understanding.
To challenge received wisdom by taking into account new evidence and ideas.
To use problem solving skills and numeracy within scientific concepts.
Subject Implementation
Our pedagogy is underpinned by a rigorous and systematic approach to the teaching of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The regular use of live modelling and working scientifically to demonstrate processes, standards and expectations. A range of strategies to deepen knowledge so that it is committed to long-term memory. A need to ‘normalise error’ so that teachers can pre-empt error as part of their planning to address gaps swiftly, and students see error as a learning opportunity. The importance of giving students regular opportunities to challenge concepts and ideas. Allowing students the opportunities to discuss and articulate views of science in real-life contexts.
The implementation of the Science curriculum includes:
Make authentic links: seeing connectivity to all areas of learning
Demonstrate a commitment to interleaving science to build up knowledge over time
Have a thirst for knowledge: What is truth? How does what we know to be true change over time?
Subject Impact
Students will know more, remember more and understand more about the curriculum. Students retain prior-learning and explicitly make connections between what they have previously learned and what they are currently learning.
A Maltings Academy Science student will:
Appreciate the power and potential of science.
Be curious and inquisitive about the world; have the necessary skills to enable them to ask pertinent, challenging questions & have the strategies and skills to find ways to answer them.
Recognise that uncertainty underpins much of science and be ready to deal with this.
Recognise that science is happening everywhere: see the science in situations and use science knowledge and skills in their own lives.
Be fearless about the learning process: recognise that there are things that they do not know (yet) and there are things that nobody knows.
Adopt a solution-focused approach to problems and challenges.
Embrace mistakes that lead to further learning.
Be open to ideas and ready to explore but able to critically evaluate: critique false theories.
Be a critical, analytical and lateral thinker who can make informed decisions about the future.
Justify decisions based on empirical evidence or philosophy.
Science Journey Map

Science Key Stage 3
Science Key Stage 4