
Science Curriculum 3 I’s 

Vision and Intent

We believe that students deserve a broad and ambitious Science curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge, which ignites curiosity and prepares them well for future learning or employment.

The Maltings Science curriculum will enable learners to:

Subject Implementation

Our pedagogy is underpinned by a rigorous and systematic approach to the teaching of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.  The regular use of live modelling and working scientifically to demonstrate processes, standards and expectations.  A range of strategies to deepen knowledge so that it is committed to long-term memory.  A need to ‘normalise error’ so that teachers can pre-empt error as part of their planning to address gaps swiftly, and students see error as a learning opportunity.  The importance of giving students regular opportunities to challenge concepts and ideas.  Allowing students the opportunities to discuss and articulate views of science in real-life contexts. 

The implementation of the Science curriculum includes:

Subject Impact

Students will know more, remember more and understand more about the curriculum. Students retain prior-learning and explicitly make connections between what they have previously learned and what they are currently learning. 

A Maltings Academy Science student will:

Science Journey Map 

Science Learning Journey 2024-2025.pdf

Science Key Stage 3 

Year 7 - Curriculum Overview

Year 8 - Curriculum Overview

Year 9 - Curriculum Overview

Science Key Stage 4 

Year 10 - Curriculum Overview

Year 11 - Curriculum Overview