Whole School Literacy Statement
Our Vision:
Maltings Academy is committed to developing confident independent students who are able to communicate effectively and to develop their own voice through writing or spoken language. Our curriculum has been reviewed for literacy opportunities when teachers can expand upon or add to students’ cultural and language lexicon. We prioritise reading and support students to access a wide range of text opportunities that provoke thought and reflection as well as to inform. Support for students whose literacy skills are not as expected is provided through a range of interventions that become more specialised dependent on need. The school library is well stocked and accessible by all year groups. Engagement with the resources available is encouraged and younger year groups have a curricular lesson in the library as part of their English lessons to help develop the habit of using and accessing the resources offered.
Our Intent - a literate student will be able to:
Read, write and speak confidently and with greater accuracy in a variety of contexts to enable them to feel that their opinions and their voice is valid so they feel confident to participate actively within school and the wider community.
Build a broad vocabulary with a range of tier 2 and 3 keywords to support academic proficiency in all subject areas and within extra-curricular life.
Know, understand and apply models to structure their speech and writing to express their views clearly, effectively and with vigour.
Gain confidence and ambition in developing opinions and asking questions to clarify learning.
Read for pleasure to gain a wider knowledge and understanding of the world around them.
Teachers encourage students to talk, provide scaffolds to support and encourage students to articulate their ideas and give opinions.
A range of reading strategies to develop understanding and comprehension. Teachers plan how these are deployed and students may be led through a text or asked to read in small groups or individually as examples.
A range of reading material to support increased ambition and challenge and develop a broad understanding of the curriculum content matched to the age and ability of the student.
Corrections - both on behalf of the student and the teacher. Actively considering best communication and editing as necessary. Modelling in real-time to develop oral and written responses.
Etymology root words and word families are highlighted to support understanding.
Text type writing frames used to assist with extended writing.
Knowledge organisers with reference to keywords within the topic.
Sentence starters to support access.
Guided reading opportunities are used to encourage a wider love of reading and model tone and voice.
Each curricular subject has considered which strategies best support students to become literate in their subject areas (Disciplinary Literacy). These are planned for in curricular schemes and teachers are supported to develop their pedagogy through specific literacy training opportunities.