Maltings Academy uniform is available from:
Only items with logos or Maltings Academy designed items e.g. blazers, tartan skirts and PE Kits need be bought from the named supplier. All other items i.e. shirts and trousers can be bought at retail outlets elsewhere.
Key Stages 3 and 4
To create a sense of identity and belonging to the Maltings community and to alleviate the pressures of keeping up with changes in fashion, all students in Key Stages 3 and 4 must wear full Academy uniform. This must be adhered to throughout the timetabled day as well as whilst travelling to and from the Academy.
Black trousers (not skinny trousers or black jeans)
White shirt
Black socks
Sensible black shoes (not boots, trainers, plimsolls or casual shoes)
Academy tie
Academy blazer
Grey V neck jumper (optional)
Black trousers or tartan skirt (not leggings, skinny trousers or black jeans)
White shirt
Black ankle socks or black or flesh coloured tights
Sensible black shoes (not boots, trainers, plimsolls or casual shoes)
Academy tie
Academy blazer
Grey V neck jumper (optional)
Maltings Academy PE Kit (also available from Personalise)
No jewellery on the grounds of health and safety (except for a watch and one small stud in the lobe of each ear. Piercings in the tragus or the upper cartilage of the ear are not allowed). Nose studs, tongue studs and other facial piercings are not allowed.
As with all decisions regarding uniform, the Academy has the right to make the final decision regarding whether a particular item of jewellery complies with the policy.
See our statutory information page for the full Maltings Academy Uniform Policy.