
Psychology Curriculum 3 I’s 

Vision and Intent

At Maltings Academy the study of Psychology at KS4 provides young people with knowledge and skills to develop their understanding of theories and studies around human behaviour & the physiological processes that take place in our brain. Students develop critical thinking and evaluative skills, alongside data collection and analysis. 

The Maltings Psychology curriculum will enable learners to:

Subject Implementation

The Psychology curriculum is delivered through 3 lessons per week as an option subject with clear mapping of assessment points. Core knowledge and skills are mapped out to ensure students progress throughout each lesson. Our psychology curriculum follows Edexcel/Pearson specification due to the wider range of units covered, including optional units in  criminal psychology & sleep and dreaming, which enables students to understand the relevance and importance of the subject. 

The implementation of the Psychology curriculum includes:

Subject Impact

Psychology at Maltings Academy will enable students to develop knowledge and skills in order to understand key concepts and theories around psychology and studies which have challenges and tested these theories. Psychology aims to develop students’ understanding of the brain and how this applies to real life. 

A Maltings Academy Psychology student will:

Psychology Journey Map 

Psychology Learning Journey pdf

Psychology Key Stage 4 

Year 10 - Curriculum Overview

Year 11 - Curriculum Overview