Careers Programme Provision
Promoting a career development culture is an integral aim in order to support the aspirations of all our students, and to ensure that they gain the understanding, skills and experience they need to make progress and succeed in learning and work. We believe that effective Careers Education and Guidance not only contributes to the well-being of individuals but also to the wellbeing of their families, the communities to which they belong, wider society, businesses and the economy. We are committed to meeting national and local expectations in relation to careers by: securing independent and impartial careers guidance, to promote equality of opportunity, foster good relations across all people, eliminate harassment and discriminatory practices and support children with protected characteristics.
Our careers strategy is informed by these current priorities:
supporting individual aspirations, improving attainment and ensuring positive destinations.
meeting the needs of specific groups including looked after children, young carers and children from economically-deprived backgrounds.
developing learners’ career management skills, especially those associated with career adaptability, resilience, enterprise and employability.
improving young people’s working lives by helping them to identify the values that are important to them such as contributing to the wellbeing of others through their paid and voluntary work and working in greener ways developing the use of digital technologies to meet young people’s career
development needs in conjunction with face-to-face support.
working with parents/carers, education, the community and business partners to meet students’ career development needs.
implementation of the Gatsby benchmarks to support the development of careers education.
Key Areas of focus:
Stable and Supportive Programme: The school offers a well-structured careers programme that runs from Year 7 to 11. This programme includes careers education across the curriculum, employer engagement activities, and access to careers advisors.
Up-to-Date Careers Information: students have access to high-quality information about future study options, labour market opportunities, and the local support available. This information is provided in accessible formats to suit individual needs.
Addressing Individual Needs: The programme recognises that every student has unique needs. It provides personalised support and extra help to raise aspirations and identify suitable career paths. This may involve considering factors like healthcare needs, cognitive abilities, and social awareness.
Linking Curriculum to Careers: Teachers are encouraged to connect curriculum learning to careers throughout their lessons. This can involve highlighting the relevance of different subjects to various professions.
Encounters with Employers: Students have opportunities to learn from employers through guest speakers, mentoring programmes, and visits to workplaces. These encounters can help them gain a better understanding of the working world and develop valuable workplace skills.
Workplace Experiences: In year 10 students participate in a two week work placement experience. These experiences can be tailored to individual needs and can be incredibly rewarding.
Encounters with Further and Higher Education: students explore the full range of learning opportunities available to them after school, including academic and vocational routes, colleges, universities, and apprenticeships. They may visit institutions and meet with current students or staff.
Personal Guidance: students have access to a careers advisor who can provide them with individualised guidance and support. The advisor can help them explore different career options, develop decision-making skills, and set goals for the future.