Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

We have a strong system of pastoral care, which ensures that every child is known and treated as an individual.  At Maltings Academy we work hard to ensure our students make the most progress possible. Our Heads of Year lead dedicated teams of tutors in order to maintain a high standard of support, care and guidance. Tutors have a crucial role in monitoring and reviewing students' personal, intellectual, emotional and social progress, and we regard this as key to our students being successful learners. We strive to ensure students are happy and safe and we place a strong emphasis on high levels of attendance and punctuality, contributing to our students becoming confident and self-assured learners.

Our links with our feeder primary schools are excellent, with an extensive programme of visits in the years before transfer to Maltings Academy. A central feature of our pastoral care policy is our belief in a partnership between parents and the school, both committed to the education of the child. We hold regular consultation sessions for parents and students.

We value each of our students as an individual and are aware that individuals have different characters and needs, yet each student is also a member of the school community and must respect the rights of the other learners. We encourage our students to display self control and good manners at all times.

We develop student leadership through our student council and other such forums. Student Leaders take responsibility for the younger children and act as high-profile representatives of the school on all public occasions and the council members meet regularly to discuss current issues and help make decisions on how to improve student life at the academy. 

Through our tutorial programme and weekly assemblies, we aim to support our students' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development with the goal of creating caring and active citizens not only within the Academy but also within the wider community.

Key People

Year 7 Head of Year - Mrs L Craker Pastoral Lead - S Cook

Year 8 Head of Year - Mr S Richardson Pastoral Lead - J Gordon-Hone

Year 8 Deputy Head of Year - Mr D Ouhachi

Year 9 Head of Year - Mr S Richardson Pastoral Lead - C Dale

Year 10 Head of Year - Ms S Akoto Pastoral Lead - V Howe

Year 11 Head of Year - Mr M Adams Pastoral Lead - P Coombs