Teaching & Learning

Teaching and Learning at Maltings Academy

Teaching and Learning Statement of Intent

At Maltings Academy, Teaching and Learning is central to our work as educators as it stems from our aims, ethos and vision. Our expectation of our staff is to consistently deliver high quality, motivating and inspiring lessons, where all our students are supported and challenged to make exceptional progress in their learning.

All students, regardless of ability will be given equal and consistent opportunities to support them on their learning journeys. Our aim is to create a stimulating learning environment to foster motivation and growth. We strive not to simply share knowledge but also to empower our students by teaching them successful ways to apply themselves to their lifelong learning journey.

Teaching and Learning Aims

Together, staff and students will (“we will”)

What do we want from our students?

Students should be able to explain what they are learning, why, how it links to previous learning and leads into the next stage of learning- strategies to do this – Greeters will be expected in every lesson.

Students should leave school each day knowing more and remembering more about each of their subjects and should be able to make connections between their subjects with confidence.

To be active learners and take a keen interest in their learning journey beyond the classroom.

Maltings Academy - The Maltings Way: 'How' we Teach