Personal Development

PD Curriculum 3 I’s 

Vision and Intent

The PD curriculum at Maltings Academy is determined to develop students as independent learners who understand health and emotional well being, relationships and sex education (RSE) and living in a wider society and world encompassing British values and strong morality. 

The Maltings PD curriculum will enable learners to:

Subject Implementation

The PD curriculum is delivered through clear mapping of substantive & disciplinary knowledge for each Scheme of Learning for Key Stage 3. In Year 7 students discover and develop their understanding of emotional wellbeing, Relationships and living in the wider world. In Year 8 this knowledge is developed and built upon in all 3 key areas. In Year 9 students continue to deepen and evolve their range of skills and knowledge within these areas in line with the PSHE association framework and DFE supported materials. 

In Key Stage 4 the PD curriculum is delivered through clear mapping of substantive & disciplinary knowledge for each of the 3 key areas. The focus in Key stage 4 moves to addressing a deeper understanding of these areas linked to age related content and materials.

The implementation of the PD curriculum includes:

Subject Impact

Students will know more, remember more and understand more about the 3 main strands within the curriculum.  Students retain prior-learning and explicitly make connections between what they have previously learned and what they are currently learning.  Within PD students will develop knowledge and skills to appreciate a range of PSHE / RSE topics. 

A Maltings Academy PD student will:

PD Journey Map 

Coming Soon!

PD Key Stage 3 

Year 7 - Curriculum Overview

Year 8 - Curriculum Overview

Year 9 - Curriculum Overview

PD Key Stage 4 

Year 10 - Curriculum Overview

Year 11 - Curriculum Overview