Homework Guidance
At Maltings Academy the overarching aim is to ensure that homework is impactful and meets the needs of all students for all subjects that they study.
Intended Purpose:
To follow up a particular topic under study in order to consolidate understanding
To build further on what students have learned and extend understanding
To help establish the independent study habit when beyond the gaze of the teacher
General Guiding Principles:
Teaching staff will aim to adopt, and implement the following when planning and assigning homework tasks:
Reinforce through reading and written exercises new knowledge acquired in class.
Applying newly acquired skills and knowledge to rich extension tasks which deepen understanding.
The tasks are relevant, engaging, worth giving time to - aligned to Programmes of Study.
Reinforces the importance of writing and literacy.
Opportunities given to explore learning technologies.
Develop multiple intelligences, talent, aptitudes and learning styles.
Allows our students to work at their optimum pace.
Responsibilities of teaching staff:
Regularly set homework in accordance to academy policy and subject team expectations.
Tasks marked promptly alongside formative comments provided on what went well and even better if.
Weaving time into the lesson to establish and explain homework tasks and not a ‘bolt on’ to the end of ever lesson.
Consider the quality of homework over quantity.
Understanding and addressing any barriers to completion, such as access to learning devices or resources.
Monitor the impact on student engagement, progress and attainment.
Year 7-9 KS3:
Homework will be set by all subject areas and will take various forms.
Year 10 -11 KS4:
The expectation is that homework will be set weekly for each subject and consolidate learning, support examination preparation, recall and retrieval, and where appropriate reinforce good practice with study skills.
Homework may take the form of one of the following activities (this is not an exhaustive list):
Practice questions
Extended writing
Creative writing
Project based learning
Research based
The Impact of Homework - Key Findings - EEF (Education Endowment Foundation):
Homework has a positive impact on average 5+ months particularly with students in secondary schools
Homework that is linked to classroom work tends to be more effective. In particular studies that included feedback on homework had higher impacts on learning
It is important to make the purpose of homework clear to students (to increase a specific area of knowledge, or to develop fluency in a particular area).