Year 7 Catch Up Premium

Year 7 Catch Up Premium : This fund has now been discontinued, with last payments being for the 2019 to 2020 academic year.

The Year 7 catch-up premium is a type of funding additional to the main school funding. The premium was previously provided to schools with an additional £500 for each Year 7 pupil who did not achieve at least Level 4 in reading and/or maths at the end of Key Stage 2. The Government have continued to allocate schools this funding based on a formula using previous years’ attainment, as we no longer have levels in Key Stage 2.

Schools are free to spend the catch-up premium as they see fit within specific parameters.

2015 - 2017 Summaries

In 2016/17 we had 26 identified as being below the expected level of reading and maths. The Academy received the same overall amount of year 7 catch-up premium funding as the previous year, adjusted to reflect the percentage change in the size of the Year 7 cohort, based on the October 2016 census.

Outcomes of Student Progress 2016/17

· 80% of targeted students improved their reading ages by between 1 and 4 years in a 6 month period.

· 20% of targeted students improved their reading ages by between 4 months and 8 months in a 6 month period.

· 75% of targeted students improved their spelling ages by between 1 and 2 years in a 6 month period.

· 75% of targeted students are currently on or above target in English.

· 90% of targeted students are currently on or above target in Maths.

In 2015/16 we had 19 students who were below a level 4. Funding for these students was £9,500.